Dre Cloutier, psychologist

Dre Catherine Cloutier, psychologist offers services of psychotherapy for children and adolescents who suffer from anxiety, depression, bullying at school or conflict with siblings. In a systemic approach, she includes the parents to treatment when possible. Parents who bring their children to consultation can be helped to improve their parenting practices. The aim is to give them tools and enhance self-awareness in order to augment their parenting with their child. Parents then feel less stress and are more efficient with their child. In turn, the behavior of their child being more structured improves. This in turn leads to a better parent-child relation. 

As a psychologist, I also offer services of psychotherapy to adults which aim is to work on their emotional distress.  One may find themselves to be helpless and feel that there are no solutions to their life situation. A person's thoughts and behaviors are related and they influence his or her psychological well-being. While I may during this process, use an understanding of events in a person's history, my approach, aimed at change, is focused in the present. Once the psychological impasse has been resolved, it is possible to give a new meaning to one's life in order to take on new challenges. This goal also implies achieving a better balance of life, within a framework aimed at health and psychological well-being on a daily basis. 

Lastly, since 1998, I have evolved in the field of psycholegal  work for the Youth Protection and Superior Courts. Psychological assessments of children, adolescents and adults are part of my work. I have developed an expertise in the assessment of parenting capacities.    

© 2024 Dre Catherine Cloutier

Programmation : Synaps Design